One of our fundamental objectives while working with you is to protect the personal data you provided to our Company and maintain your trust and confidence in us. In this scope, we would like to inform you on the “Law on the Protection of Personal Data” and personal data processing activities of our Company.
Our priority is to protect the personal data provided to our Company. We process and protect personal data by taking every physical and electronic security measure in compliance with the rules and practices provided under the law and in accordance with the applicable legislation.
According to the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (the “Law”), Citi Menkul Değerler A.Ş. (“Company”) may process personal data to the extent permitted by the Law and the applicable legislation for the purposes, legal grounds and conditions detailed below.
Purposes and legal grounds of processing personal data:
The Company may process the obtained personal data to provide products and services within the scope of capital markets and other applicable legislation; to identify the transaction party's identity, address and other required information; to issue all kinds of records and documents underlying electronic (SWIFT, internet, etc.) or non-electronic transactions; to comply with legal and international obligations arising out of capital markets and other applicable legislation and with the internal regulations of the Company to the extent that they are compatible with the applicable legislation; to perform the obligations arising from the executed agreements and to carry out our legitimate interests, such as security or prevention of a crime.
In addition to the above, the following are among our purposes of processing personal data: identifying you during your website visits in order to facilitate and personalize your experience, replying to your requests, identifying and providing the relevant information and menfaat for the account, and informing you on our products and services.
Persons/entities to whom your personal data may be transferred
Entities that are legally authorized to request information; Citigroup companies including the Company; local/foreign and other third parties from whom we purchase services and with whom we cooperate to carry out our services and activities.
Personal data collection method
The Company may collect personal data verbally, in writing or via electronic media through channels such as the Headquarters and website..
Your rights under the Law
You have the right to determine how your personal data will be processed while using our products and services. Accordingly, starting from October 7, 2016, by applying to our Company in writing, you have the right to
- learn whether your personal data being processed or not;
- request information in regards to processing, if it is processed;
- learn the purposes of the processing and whether they are used for such purposes or not;
- know the third parties within or outside the country to whom the personal data are transferred;
- request correction of the personal data if the data is processed incompletely or inaccurately;
- request deletion or destruction of the personal data when the purposes for processing personal data no longer exists or when the Company does not have any legal grounds to process such data;
- request from the Company to notify third parties authorized by the Company who process personal data to take measures to perform your rights under this section;
- object to negative consequences about you that are concluded as a result of analysis of the processed personal data by solely automatic means; and
- request indemnification if the data subject suffered damage because of the illegal processing of your personal data.
Contact us
If you would like to receive more detailed information on our activities as the Companyin scope of the Law, including this informative note, and/or if you would like to exercise your rights stated above, you may send an email to your customer representative or apply in writing to the address provided below.
Citi Menkul Değerler A.Ş.
Data Privacy Officer
Tekfen Tower Eski Büyükdere Cad. No: 209
34394 Levent
İstanbul - Turkey
* Defined as "the group of companies that consists of Citigroup Inc. which also includes Citi Menkul Değerler A.Ş.'s majority shareholder Citigroup Financial Products Inc. and all of its direct or indirect subsidiaries."